reede, 30. oktoober 2009


Kujutlusvõime on tähtsam kui teadmised.

-Albert Einstein-

teisipäev, 27. oktoober 2009


Listening to Gershwin, minesweeping and putting things off on tomorrow!

neljapäev, 22. oktoober 2009

neljapäev, 15. oktoober 2009

a few words

Some people tend to overreact.
And some are just weird.
How many times have I tried just to be there?
And give a hug, while there is nothing left to say…
Too much pain.

It overrules your brain,
And you simply cannot think straight.
Do I really have to?
How many times have we all asked that.
Too many?
Or just barely enough.

Some things can touch us so easily.
So why do we seem
so cold, when there is an heartache
in our own lives?

Wouldn’t you want to
scream and shout and punch and break?
Break down perhaps.

Save it all for me,
I truly am like a sponge.
Cliché? But nevertheless – true.
I seem to have neglected
the ability to turn away.

Not pushing, not asking, not saying words, but just being.

Being not sad or angry or tired of all your words,
but simply
quite happy in this world.

I do not have the magical cure
to tear your hurt apart,
but I still believe.

Believe, that you may find
your peace in heart.

Cheer up!

Grin, people!

kolmapäev, 14. oktoober 2009

reede, 9. oktoober 2009

Chop her head off!


Just saw the recent episode of Supernatural. I think it was great, that they gave people time to breath from this whole apocalypse-thing and go back to season 1,2.

And Paris Hilton aacted bad. I mean, you're a god! Don't play this clam-bimbo, go for it! The world is yours, be the sexy, deadly god/goddess!

But she just... Boring. So i really liked, that Sam cut her head off at that moment. And i'm not a vicious person.

The "soon" seemed very promising and interesting also.

neljapäev, 8. oktoober 2009

A few words, just an experiment, that's not ready yet!

Some people tend to overreact.
And some are just weird.
How many times have I tried just to be there?
And give a hug, while there is nothing left to say…
Too much pain.

It overrules your brain,
And you simply cannot think straight.
Do I really have to?
How many times have we all asked that.
Too many?
Or just barely enough.

Some things can touch us so easily.
So why do we seem
so cold, when there is an heartache
in our own lives?

Of me

Deep Down You Are Intuitive

You're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know.

You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to.

You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read.

You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You usually don't resort to it though!

neljapäev, 1. oktoober 2009

Lahe ju!


Täna oli ta jälle. Samas riietuses. Sama tühja helerohelise ämbriga käevangus.

Ja vihma sadas. Ja mina pooleldi magasin. Bussi peal.
Ja vihma sadas. Kõigepealt sai märjaks bussi teine pool, vasakul. Vihma voolas, vihmapiisad voolasid. Siis kuulasin vihma trummeldamist bussi katusel. Trmp. Trmp. Trmp.
Parempoolsed aknad olid endiselt peaaegu kuivad. Siis hakkas aga märjaks sadanud katuselt ka paremale vihma voolama. Veenirede kaupa. Vihma sadas.

Hea, et mul vihmamantel on!